Upcoming Litters
We Have newborns! Longhair and Shorthair pups at this time!
LOOK Who is Expecting!!
Updated 2/11/25

Panda and Taz Jr.
Litter Born 1/28/25
, Girls and boys, solids, dapples and piebalds- waiting to determine coats!

Ladybug and Chief
Litter Born 1/30/25
Girls and boys, all piebalds, waiting to determine coats- longhair or silky wirehair!

Freckles and Hay Hay
Litter Born 2/11/25
ALL Boys, solids and pieablds, waiting to determine coats- longhair or shorthair!

Patches and Dudley
Litter Due Around 2/12/25
Expecting Solids, dapples or piebalds- longhair or shorthair!

Ollie and Cooper
Litter Due Around 2/14/25
Expecting ALL LONGHAIR solids or dapples!

Abby and Huckleberry
Litter Due Around 2/24/25
Expecting solids, dapples or piebalds- longhair or shorthair!

Tootsie and Max
Litter Due Around 2/27/25
Expecting solids or piebald shorthairs!
Call us now to join the priority waiting list if your wanting a puppy ASAP. Priority waiting list customers see and choose a puppy before they are posted to the website!
We also have some adults available for adoption at this time. Go to the Adults for Adoption link which is under the parents tab to see who is available. Give us a call if your interested.
We also raise AKC REGISTERED BASSET HOUNDS! If you are interested in them please visit our website!